Statement and Event: The Situation in Palestine – Building Solidarity in Danish Academia, Roskilde University (RUC)

Statement and Event: The Situation in Palestine – Building Solidarity in Danish Academia, 21 May 2021
Scholars, researchers and educators of the Middle East in Denmark published a Statement of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Scholars, Researchers, and Educators of the Middle East in Denmark.
Details of the Statement: (by RUC)
“As scholars, researchers and educators of the Middle East and the Arab world in Denmark, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people as they face settler colonial violence, bombardment, police brutality and dispossession from their homes and land across historic Palestine – and as we witness the mass mobilisation of the Palestinian people and a global solidarity movement in resistance.
In light of current events, attached is a solidarity statement we have prepared in support of the Palestinian people. The collective statement emerges from the urgent need to make our position on Palestine clear and public. The statement has been signed by a large number of scholars, researchers and educators of the Middle East and the Arab world in Denmark. The statement will be published in the Danish press on Tuesday 25th May”.
Details of the EVENT:
In addition to the statement, an online event has held on Tuesday 25th May at 12pm-1pm open to colleagues, students and the public to learn from the expertise of Middle East and Palestine scholars, researchers, and activists on the current situation, and the ways in which we can take a stand in the face of injustice, in our universities, in Denmark, and as part of an international movement.
PAACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel)
Miriyam Aouragh, Westminister University
Moderator: Sune Haugbølle, Roskilde University
The English version of the statement is available here (RUC), together with more details on how to participate.