Professor Emre İşeri is a full-time member of the Department of International Relations, Yaşar
University, İzmir. He is also an associate member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Global
After completing his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Politics and Public Administration at İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University in 2002, he completed two Master educations, one at Marmara University from EU Politics and International Relations department and the other at the University of Kent from International Conflict Analysis department in 2005. Dr.İşeri completed his Ph.D. at Keele University from the International Relations department with his thesis titled “US Grand Strategy and the Eurasian Heartland in the 21 st century” in 2008. He started his academic career as Teaching Assistant at Keele University of International Relations department. He continued his academic career as a full-time lecturer at the University of Kadir Has from 2009 to 2013. Serving as one more year as Assistant Professor at Yaşar University, he was appointed to the Associate Professorship at the same university in 2014. He has been also teaching part-time on energy politics at the MA program in Mediterranean Studies of the University of the Peloponnese. He has been currently teaching courses on International Political Economy, American Foreign Policy, Middle Eastern Politics ( both in undergrad and grad levels), Turkish Foreign Policy.
His areas of current research agenda include energy policy, political communication, Euro-Asian politics, and Turkish foreign policy. He published articles/chapters in numerous books and journals, including Geopolitics, Journal of Balkan and Near East Studies, Energy Policy, Turkish Studies, Security Journal, South European Society and Politics (SESP), European Journal Communication (EJC), Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, and International Journal of Communication (IJC).
Email: emre.iseri@yasar.edu.tr
Websites: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Emre_Iseri3 ; https
://yasar.academia.edu/EmreIseri ; https://www.linkedin.com/in/emre-iseri-6743abb/
Social Media: https://twitter.com/emre_iseri , https://www.facebook.com/eiseri
Articles in refereed journals (Last 4 years)
“Framing environmental debates over nuclear energy in Turkey's polarized media system.” Turkish Studies, (2020) https://doi.or /10.1080/14683849.2020.1746908 (with Metin Ersoy) (SSCI)
“The Sphere of Consensus in a Polarized Media System: The Case of Turkey During the Catastrophic Coup Attempt.” International Journal of Communication, 13 (2019), 1462-1486. (with Eser Şekercioğlu and Cevdet Panayirci) (SSCI)
“Alternative Media and the Securitization of climate change in Turkey.”, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 43.2 (2018), 96-114. (with Defne Günay and Metin Ersoy) (SSCI)
“Contending narratives on the sustainability of nuclear energy in Turkey.”, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 36.1 (2018): 160-177. (with Defne Günay and Alper Almaz) (SSCI)
“Unexpected Persistence Amidst Enlargement Stasis: Usages of Europe in Turkey’s Nuclear Energy Debate.” South European Society and Politics 22.1 (2017): 101-119. (with Defne Günay) (SSCI)
“Global Fault Lines and Turkey’s Regional Integration Policies: A Political-Economic Model Suggestion.”, Gazi Academic View 10.20 (2017): 169-196. (with Serhan Oksay and Nihat Celik) (ESCI)
“Assessing Turkey’s Climate Change Commitments: The Case of Turkey’s Energy Policy.” Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs 22.2-3 (2017): 107-130. (with Defne Günay)
“ Geopolitical Economy of Russia’s Foreign Policy Duality: Lockean in its East and Hobbesian in its West.” Rising Powers Quarterly, 1.1 (2017): 53-79. (with Volkan Özdemir).
“Political agency of news outlets in a polarized media system: Framing the corruption probe in Turkey.” European Journal of Communication 31.5 (2016): 551-567. (with Cevdet Panayirci and Eser Şekercioğlu) (SSCI)
“Islamically oriented humanitarian NGOs in Turkey: AKP foreign policy parallelism.” Turkish Studies 17.3 (2016): 429-448. (with Nihat Çelik) (SSCI)
Chapters in books (Last 3 Years)
“Geopolitical Economy of Russia’s foreign policy duality in the Eurasian landmass” (2020) in Emel Parlar & Emre Erşen (ed.), Russia in the Changing International System, Palgrave Macmillan: 113-131. (with Volkan Özdemir)
“Turkey’s Entangled (Energy) Security Concerns and the Cyprus Question in the Eastern Mediterranean” (2019) in Alexis Heraclides and Gizem Çakmak (ed.), Greece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation: From Europeanization to De-Europeanization, Routledge: 257-270.
“Turkey’s Geostrategic Vision and Energy Concerns in the Eastern Mediterranean Security Architecture: A View from Ankara” (2019) in Zenonas Tziarras (ed.), The New Geopolitics of the Eastern Meditteranean: Trilateral Partnerships and Regional Security, Nicosia PRIO Cyprus Centre:111-124. (with Ahmet Çağrı Bartan)
“Türk Dış Politikası ve Orta Doğu: Güç, çıkar, kimlik ve değerler sarmalında Türkiye’nin önündeki fırsatlar ve zorluklar” [Turkish Foreign Policy and Middle East: Spiral of power, interests, identity and values] (2019) in Tarık Oğuzlu and Yelda Demirağ (ed.), Kuramlar ve Olgular: Türk Dış Politikasına Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri penceresinden bakmak (Theories and Facts: Looking at the Turkish Foreign Policy through International Relations Theories), Nobel Yayın: 215-237. (with Cengiz Mert Bulut)