
Prof. Michelle Pace is Professor of Global Studies at RUC. She is also Honorary Professor in Politics and International Studies at the University of Birmingham in the UK. She has been PI on a Carlsberg Foundation funded project on “The Struggle of State-Building in Palestine: Exploring “State-less”-Society Relations in the West Bank” and also a PI on a large FACE/DAPP/Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark funded project entitled “Change in exile: Re-invigorating principles of reform and social stability amongst young Syrian refugees in Denmark and Lebanon” (http://face-programme.dk/index.html). She is currently the Danish partner lead on an H2020 EU project SIRIUS (Skills and Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Applicants in European Labour Markets, 2018-2020) http://www.sirius-project.eu/
Her research areas of interest include: migration/refugee studies, liminality, ethnographic research, memory studies, emotions in IR, human rights, identity politics, perceptions of democratisation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), the development of the public sphere in the MENA region since the Arab “Uprisings”, de-democratisation, governance and pluralism in the Middle East, Egypt, Palestine. Projects she was PI on while she was at Birmingham University include a British Academy funded project on A ‘Modern’ Islamist Democracy? Perceptions of democratization in the Arab-Mediterranean world and an ESRC funded project on Paradoxes and Contradictions in EU democracy promotion efforts in the Middle East. She has supervised a study of the Danish Arab Partnership Programme and was the academic evaluator on the Danish engagement in Palestine.
She is co-editor of the peer reviewed journal Mediterranean Politics. She was founder and convener of the British International Studies Association Working Group on International Mediterranean Studies (until 2013) and of the research group on the EU and democracy promotion efforts in the Middle East (2008 – to date). She is a member of the Global Political Sociology research group at ISE, Roskilde University.
“EU–Hamas actors in a state of permanent liminality” with Polly Pallister-Wilkins (Amsterdam University), published in the Journal of International Relations and Development, 21(1), 223-246. DOI: 10.1057/s41268-016-0080-y Available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41268-016-0080-y
“Trauma, Emotions and Memory in World Politics: The Case of the European Union’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East Conflict” with Ali Bilgic (Loughborough University), published in the journal: Political Psychology. Available here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/pops.12459/full
“The European Neighbourhood Policy and Islamist actors in the southern neighbourhood” with Sarah Wolff (Queen Mary, University of London) in The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy (guest editors: T. Schumacher, A. Marchetti, T. Demmelhuber). Available here: https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Handbook-on-the-European-Neighbourhood-Policy/Schumacher-Marchetti-Demmelhuber/p/book/9781138913721
“Overcoming bordering practices through the arts: The case of young Syrian refugees and their Danish counterparts in Denmark” published in Geopolitics. Available here: http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/DZaRXNTFdbSTHcfhRVpP/full
“The European Union and Refugees: A Struggle over the fate of Europe” with Ali Bilgic in Global Affairs. Available here: http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/pjUR533JJqDXvGewBZe6/full
“The Historical Construction of the Mediterranean,” with Dominic Fenech. In Routledge Handbook of Mediterranean Politics edited by R. Gillespie and F. Volpi. Available at: https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Handbook-of-Mediterranean-Politics/Gillespie-Volpi/p/book/9781138903982
Fieldtrip Lebanon: A study of community-based psychosocial support in Beirut and Saidon, August 2017. Available at: https://indd.adobe.com/view/69d495a6-de6f-4bcd-87bc-075dc1bc6875
M.Pace, ‘Mediterranean regionalism’ in the Elgar Handbook on the Geographies of Regions and Territories. Edited by Anssi Paasi, John Harrison, Martin Jones and Gordon Macleod. Edward Elgar Publishing.
M. Pace, Syrian refugee children in the Middle East and Europe. Integrating the young and exiled. Edited book volume, Routledge (with Somdeep Sen), 2018.
M. Pace, ‘The EU-Turkey deal and its impact on refugee children’ chapter contribution to edited volume with Somdeep Sen (as above).
M. Pace, The Young and Exiled: An Introduction. (with Sen, Somdeep) in Syrian Refugees in the Middle East and Europe: Integrating the Young and Exiled. ed. / Michelle Pace; Somdeep Sen. Routledge, 2018. (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Society, as above).
M. Pace, ‘The clash of integrationist projects and narrow nationalist interests in the Middle East’ (with Francesco Cavatorta) in The Routledge Handbook on the Politics of the Middle East. Edited by Larbi Sadiki.
M. Pace, ‘The Governance Deficit in the Middle East Region’ in The Routledge Handbook on Middle East Security. Edited by Michael Schulz, Anders Jagerskog and Ashok Swain.
M. Pace, ‘Denmark’s neighbours are even worse when it comes to refugees’, The Independent (UK). Published: 17 February, 2016. Available at: http://www.independent.co.uk/author/michelle-pace
M. Pace, ‘Don’t Damn Denmark: It’s Not That Bad’, The Conversation, 16 February, 2016. Available here: https://theconversation.com/dont-damn-denmark-its-not-that-bad-54488
M. Pace, (2016) book review of The Human Right to Dominate, by Nicola Perugini and Neve Gordon, in Law and Society Review, Vol. 50, No. 1, 29 January. Pages 261–263.
M. Pace (2016) ‘Developing a comprehensive and sustainable integration strategy for Syrian refugee children in Denmark’ Blog post for MIGPROSP. Prospects for International Migration Governance. A five year European Research Council funded project. Available here: http://migrationgovernance.org/index.php/2016/05/10/developing-a-comprehensive-and-sustainable-integration-strategy-for-syrian-refugee-children-in-denmark/ Published 13 April.
M. Pace (2016) ‘The EU and its trickster practices: the case of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict’ in Global Affairs, Volume 2, Number 4, pages 405-407. Published 1 November.
M. Pace (2015) ‘Europe’s Israel Palestine Policy Desperately Needs a Shake Up’ in The Conversation. Available at: https://theconversation.com/europes-israel-palestine-policy-desperately-needs-a-shake-up-39147 Published 24 March.
M. Pace (2015) ‘Study of Approaches to Danish-Arab Dialogue: Theory and Practice’ Peer Reviewed report (with Haugbølle, R. H., Skrubbeltrang, J., Jeppesen, J. A and Nielsen, R. K). Copenhagen: Udenrigsministeriet.
M. Pace (2015) ‘The Politics of Foreign Aid in the Arab World: The Impact of the Arab Uprisings’ Middle East Centre Blog, LSE, Available at: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/mec/2015/03/20/the-politics-of-foreign-aid-in-the-arab-world-the-impact-of-the-arab-uprisings/
M. Pace (2014) ‘The EU’s Interpretation of the ‘Arab Uprisings’: Understanding the Different Visions about Democratic Change in EU-MENA Relations,’ Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 52, Issue 5, pp. 969–984.*
M. Pace (2014) ‘Gaza ceasefire crumbles while West embarks on a new round of hand-wringing’ The Conversation, Available at: https://theconversation.com/gaza-ceasefire-crumbles-while-west-embarks-on-a-new-round-of-hand-wringing-30000
M. Pace (2014) ‘How we are permanently destroying Gaza’ (with Wildangel, R.) openDemocracy. Available at: https://www.opendemocracy.net/michelle-pace-ren%C3%A9-wildangel/how-we-are-permanently-destroying-gaza
M. Pace (2014) ‘The Adventure of Teaching a short research methods course in Gaza: Personal reflections from a visit to Gaza, 14-19 October, 2014’ Available here: http://ps.boell.org/en/2014/11/19/adventure-teaching-short-research-methods-course-gaza-0 and here: http://palthink.org/en/?p=7675
M. Pace (2013) ‘An Arab ‘Spring’ of a Different Kind? Resilience and Freedom in the Case of an Occupied Nation, Mediterranean Politics, 18, 1, pp. 42-59.
M. Pace (2012) ‘The social, economic, political and geo-strategic situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories’, European Parliament. Directorate B, Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union, Policy Department. Briefing Ad Hoc, AFET. Available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/note/join/2011/433746/EXPO-AFET_NT(2011)433746_EN.pdf
M. Pace (2012) Chapter on ’Egypt’ in The European Union and the Arab Spring: Promoting Democracy and Human Rights in the Middle East, edited by Joel Peters, Lexington Books, pp.49-64.
M. Pace (2012) ‘The Arab Uprisings in Theoretical Perspective: An Introduction’, Special Issue of Mediterranean Politics, with Francesco Cavatorta, 17, 2, pp. 125-138.*
M. Pace (2012) ‘Consociation in a Constant State of Contingency? The case of the Palestinian Territory’, Third World Quarterly, 33, 3, pp. 541-558 (with Laurence Cooley).*
M. Pace (2012) ‘The European Union and democratisation’ in Routledge Handbook of Democratization edited by Jeffrey Haynes, chapter 20.
M. Pace (2011, ed.) Book entitled The EU, the USA and Political Islam: Strategies for Engagement. Palgrave, MacMillan.
M. Pace (2011) ‘The EU, US and Political Islam. An Introduction to Strategies for Engagement’ in The EU, the USA and Political Islam: Strategies for Engagement, pp. 1-9
M. Pace (2011) ‘Democracy Promotion in the Context of an Occupied Nation? The Case of Palestine’ in The EU, the USA and Political Islam: Strategies for Engagement, pp. 102-124.
M. Pace (2011) Books Review Essay of ‘Kill Khalid. The Failed Mossad Assassination of Khalid Mishal and the Rise of Hamas’ by Paul McGeough and ‘Hamas: the Islamic Resistance Movement’ by Beverly Milton-Edwards and Stephen Farrell in International Affairs 87 (4), pp. 1021-1023.
M. Pace (2011) ‘The EU and the Mediterranean’ in The European Union and Global Governance: A Handbook edited by David J. Bailey and Jens-Uwe Wunderlich. Routledge.
M. Pace (2011) ‘Liberal or Social Democracy? Aspect dawning in the EU’s democracy promotion agenda in the Middle East’ in International Journal for Human Rights, 15, 6, pp. 801-812.
M. Pace (2010) ‘The Post-normative Turn in European Union (EU)-Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Relations: An Introduction’, European Foreign Affairs Review, 15, 5, pp. 581-587. (with Francesco Cavatorta).
M. Pace (2010) ‘Interrogating the European Union’s Democracy Promotion Agenda: Discursive Configurations of “Democracy from the Middle East’, European Foreign Affairs Review, 15, 5, pp. 611-628.
M. Pace (2010) ‘The European Union, security and the southern dimension’, European Security. 19, 3, pp. 431-444.*
M. Pace (2010) ‘The end of EU democracy promotion and of the two-state solution?’ in European involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict edited by Esra Bulut Aymat. Paris: Chaillot Papers, European Union Institute for Security Studies.
M. Pace (2010). Book entitled The European Union’s democratization agenda in the Mediterranean (with P. Seeberg). Routledge.
M. Pace (2009) Democratization, 16 (1), February. Special Issue on The European Union’s Democratization Agenda in the Mediterranean: A Critical Inside-Out Approach. Main Guest Editor. ISSN: 1351-0347
M. Pace (2009) ‘Paradoxes and Contradictions in EU democracy promotion in the Mediterranean: the limits on EU normative power’. In Democratization, 16 (1), February, pp. 39-58. (Special Issue). ISSN: 1351-0347*
M. Pace (2009) ‘The EU’s democratization agenda in the Mediterranean: a critical inside-out approach’, Democratization, 16, 1, pp. 3-19 (with Peter Seeberg and Francesco Cavatorta).
M. Pace (2009) ‘Preface. The EU’s democratization agenda in the Mediterranean: a critical inside-out approach’, Democratization, 16, 1, pp. 1-2.
M. Pace (2008) ‘Notions of Europe: Where does Europe’s Southern Margin Lie?’ book chapter in The Geopolitics of Europe’s identity: centers, boundaries and margins. Noel Parker (ed). New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 159-176.
M. Pace (2008) ‘The EU as a ‘force for good’ in border conflict cases?’ Book Chapter in The European Union and border conflicts: the power of integration and association. EUBorderConf FP5 project edited volume by Thomas Diez, Mathias Albert and Stephan Stetter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 203-219.
M. Pace (2008) ‘A Tale of Two Egypts’ in Mediterranean Politics, 13 (3), pp. 439-444.
M. Pace (2007) ‘The Construction of EU Normative Power,’ Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 45, Issue 5, pp. 1041–1064, December.*
M. Pace (2007) ‘Norm Shifting from EMP to ENP: The EU as a Norm Entrepreneur in the South?’ Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 20, Issue 4, pages 659-675.*
M. Pace (2007) ‘People-to-People: Education and Culture’ in Governing Europe’s neighbourhood: Partners or periphery? Edited by Katja Weber, Michael E Smith and Michael Baun, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 156-175.
M. Pace (2007) Book entitled Conceptualizing cultural and social dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean area: A European Perspective (with Tobias Schumacher).
M. Pace (2006) The Politics of Regional Identity: Meddling with the Mediterranean. Monograph. Routledge (The New International Relations Series).
Other publications:
2005 ‘Imagining Co-presence in Euro-Mediterranean Relations: The Role of ‘Dialogue’’ in Special Issue of Mediterranean Politics, 10 (3), November, pp. 291-312, on Conceptualizing Cultural and Social Dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: A European Perspective. ISSN 1362-9395
2005 ‘Cultural Democracy in Euro-Mediterranean Relations? In Special Issue of Mediterranean Politics’, Mediterranean Politics, 10 (3), November, pp. 427-437, on Conceptualising Cultural and Social Dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: A European Perspective. ISSN 1362-9395
2005 ‘Partners or Periphery? Russia and Israel in the EU’s European Neighbourhood Policy’ in Evropa, journal of the Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw (in Russian).
2004 ‘The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the Common Mediterranean Strategy?’ European Union policy from a discursive perspective in Geopolitics, 9 (2), pp. 292-309. ISSN: 14650045.
2002 ‘The Ugly Duckling of Europe: The Mediterranean in the Foreign Policy of the European Union’ in Journal of European Area Studies (now Journal of Contemporary European Studies), Basingstoke: Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group, 10 (2), pp. 189-209. ISSN: 14608464.
2000 ‘Regionalism in International Relations. The Mediterranean as a Social Construct’ in Agora Without Frontiers, Athens: Institute of International Economic Relations, May, 5 (3), pp. 207-219. ISSN: 11065990 (in Greek).
Book chapters:
2011 ‘Normative Power Europe and Conflict Transformation’ (with Thomas Diez). Book chapter in Normative Power Europe: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives (edited by Richard G. Whitman). Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 210-225. ISBN: 978-0-230-57764-0.
2007 Meddling or muddling with the Mediterranean? French, Spanish and Italian foreign policy making towards the ‘south’. In Seeberg, Peter (ed.) EU and The Mediterranean. Foreign Policy and Security, Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, pp 121-140.
2005 EMP Cultural Initiatives: What Political Relevance? In The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Assessing the First Decade, H A Fernandez and R Youngs (editors), Madrid, Real Instituto Elcano and FRIDE, pp. 59-70, M-41378-2005 (paperback). Available in English and Spanish at: http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/publicaciones/libros/Barcelona10_eng.pdf or http://www.fride.org/eng/B10 for the English edition and http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/publicaciones/libros/Barceloba10_esp.pdf or http://www.fride.org/B10 for the Spanish edition
2004 Collective Identity: the Greek Case in Contemporary European Foreign Policy, Walter Carlsnaes, Helene Sjursen, Brian White (editors), London, Sage Publishers, pp. 227-238, ISBN: 1412900018, (paper) and 0761944990 (cloth).
2003 Rethinking the Mediterranean. Reality and Re-Presentation in the Creation of a ‘Region’ in Comparative Regional Integration: Theoretical Perspectives, Finn Laursen (ed), Aldershot, Ashgate, pp. 161-183, ISBN: 075463261X (hbk)