Webinar by IAI “The Syria Conflict, Ten Years on: What Role for the EU?”, 15 March 2021.

“The Syria Conflict, Ten Years on: What Role for the EU?”, 15 March 2021.
The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) will host a public webinar on the 10th anniversary of the Syrian uprising to assess where the country stands after a decade of conflict. Speakers will take stock of EU policies and options for Syria against the backdrop of the incoming Biden administration in the US and the policies and prerogatives of Russia and Turkey towards the conflict. Experts will address the current humanitarian crisis, discuss recent political and security developments and assess avenues for a positive EU role in bringing about an end to the suffering of ordinary Syrians.
Stefano Ravagnan, Special Envoy for Syria, Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Rim Turkmani, Director of Syria Conflict Research Programme (CRP), Department of International Development, LSE
Julien Barnes-Dacey, Director, Middle East & North Africa programme, ECFR
Elizabeth Tsurkov, Fellow at the Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy
Galip Dalay, Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow at the Robert Bosch Academy, Associate Fellow at Chatham House, and non-resident Fellow at the Brookings Doha Center
Andrea Dessì, Head of Italy’s Foreign Policy Programme, IAI