Webinar: “The Eastern Mediterranean and EU-Turkey relations: opening a new chapter” with Nathalie Tocci, IAI Director

Webinar: “The Eastern Mediterranean and EU-Turkey relations: opening a new chapter” 11 March 2021.
Chair: Nathalie Tocci, IAI Director | Speakers: Angelina Eichhorst, Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia, EEAS, Atila Eralp, Senior Fellow, IPC, Luca Franza, Head of the Energy, Climate and Resources Programme, IAI, and Damon Wilson, Executive Vice President, Atlantic Council.
Over the past year already strained EU-Turkey relations have entered into shaky waters over the Eastern Mediterranean. Many expect the incoming US administration to change the parameters of the game, providing a more conducive framework for these relations to get back on track. But will this really be the case or is it rather that the EU will need to find a way to set its relations with Turkey on a solid footing in a multipolar region where the US will be increasingly less present? This webinar will explore these developments from a political, security, energy and transatlantic perspective.