Dr. Tamirace Fakhoury is an associate professor in Political Science and International Affairs in the Department of Social Sciences at the Lebanese American University, and the associate director of the Institute of Social Justice and Conflict Resolution (ISJCR). She has taught at the summer sessions at the University of California in Berkeley between 2012 and 2016. In fall 2018 and summer 2019, Fakhoury will carry out a project on the European Union’s role in the polycentric governance of displacement at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg/ Centre for Global Cooperation Research in Germany.
Fakhoury earned the Jean Monnet fellowship at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy (2010/2011) and the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at the German Institute of International and Area Studies in Hamburg, Germany (2014/2015). In 2014, she was elected as member of the first Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities(AGYA). From 2014 until 2016, she was a principal co-investigator on the project Syrian refugees’ justice concerns and access to formal and informal justice in Lebanon.
Her core research and publication areas are: the theory and practice of power sharing in divided societies, migration dynamics and governance, Arab states’ coping mechanisms with forced migration, and the role of immigrant communities and diasporas in democratization, and conflict transformation. She is member of the core coordination team of the Global Migration Policy Associates in Geneva.
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
- Fakhoury T. (2018). “Multi-level Governance and Migration Politics in the Arab World: The case of Syria’s displacement,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
- Nagle John and Tamirace Fakhoury (2018). “Between Co-option and Radical Opposition: A Comparative Analysis of the Consequences of Liberal and Corporate Power Sharing on Gender and LGBT Movements in Northern Ireland and Lebanon.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 24 (1), 82-99.
- Brand, Laurie A. and Tamirace Fakhoury (2018). “Migration and Transnational Governance: Middle East Cases and Challenges.” Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies5 (1).
- Fakhoury, T. (2018). “The Arab Uprisings and the Politics of Contention Beyond Borders: The Case of Egyptian Communities in the United States,” Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies 5 (1). https://doi.org/10.24847/55i2018.164
- Fakhoury, T. (October 2017) “Governance Strategies and Refugee Response: Lebanon in the Face of Syrian Displacement” International Journal of Middle East Studies49 (4) 681–700
- Fakhoury, T. (2017) “The European Union’s Engagement in Conflict Processes and Conflict Spillovers: The Case of Lebanon since the Outbreak of the Syrian War.” European Foreign Affairs Review22 (1): 39–58
- Darwich May and T. Fakhoury (January 2017). “Casting the Other as a Threat: The Securitization of Sectarianism in the International Relations of the Syria Crisis.” Global Discourse6 (4), 712–732.
- Fakhoury, T. (2016). “Securitising Migration: The European Union in the Context of the Post-2011 Arab Upheavals”The International Spectator 51 (4): 67–79.
- Fakhoury, T. (2015). “Lebanon’s Perilous Balancing Act.” Current History, 114 (776): 349–354.
- Fakhoury, T. (2015). “Transnational Immigrant Narratives on Arab Democracy: The Case of Student Associations at UC Berkeley.”International Migration, 53 (3): 8–21.
- Fakhoury, T. (2015). “The Arab Uprisings and their External Dimensions: Bringing Migration in.” Harvard Journal of Middle Eastern Politics and Policy, Annual Print Issue, 37–43.
- Fakhoury, T. (2014). “The EU and Lebanon in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings.”Middle East Policy 21 (1): 133–143.
- Fakhoury, T. (2014). “Do Power-Sharing Systems Behave Differently amid Regional Uprisings? Lebanon in the Arab Protest Wave.”Middle East Journal, 68 (4): 505–520.
- Fakhoury, T. (2014). “Debating Lebanon’s Power-Sharing Model: An Opportunity or an Impasse for Democratization Studies in the Middle East?” Arab Studies Journal 22 (1) 230–255
- Fakhoury T. (2011). “Lebanon against the Backdrop of the 2011 Arab Uprisings: Sectarian Chains and Divided Loyalties.”New Global Studies5, 1 (4): 1–11.
- Fakhoury, T. (2009).Democracy and Power-Sharing in Stormy Weather: the Case of Lebanon (Springer: Wiesbaden).
- Bauman, Marcel, T. Fakhoury and Leslie Tramontini (2009) Prophetenbeleidigung? Die Mohamad-Karikaturen und die Aktualität des religiösen Konfliktpotentials[Prophets’ Defamation? The Mohammad Caricatures and their Religious Conflict Potential] (Freiburg im Breisgau: Freiburger Schriften für Entwicklung und Politik)
Book Chapters
- Fakhoury, T. (2017). “Transnationalizing Dissidence: Arab Activists in Occupy Oakland.” In Demanding Rights: Claiming Justice in the Global South, Jean Grugel et al, 151–176. (Basingstoke: Palgrave)
- Fakhoury, T. (2016). “Assessing the Political Acceptance of Hybrid Courts in Fractured States: The Case of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL).” In After Nuremberg. Exploring Multiple Dimensions of the Acceptance of International Criminal Justice, eds. Susanne Buckley-Zistel et al (Nuremberg: International Nuremberg Principles Academy)
- Fakhoury, T. (2016). “Lebanon’s Consociational Politics in the post-2011 Middle East: The Paradox of Resilience.” In Lebanon and the Arab Uprisings In the Eye of the Hurricane, Martin Waehlisch and Maximilian Felsch, 21–31 (UK: Routledge).
- Fakhoury, T. (2015). “Highly-skilled Diaspora Knowledge Transfers in a Transitioning Arab World: The Case of TOKTEN.” In Migration in North Africa and the Middle East: Skilled Migrants, Development and Globalisation, eds. Alessandra Venturini and Philippe Fargues, 78–93, (London and New York: IB. Taurus)
Academic Degrees
- PhD in Political Sciences from the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg
- MA in International Affairs from the Lebanese American University in Beirut.