Dr. Tamirace Fakhoury

Dr. Tamirace Fakhoury is an associate professor in Political Science and International Affairs in the Department of Social Sciences at the Lebanese American University, and the associate director of the Institute of Social Justice and Conflict Resolution (ISJCR). She has taught at the summer sessions at the University of California in Berkeley between 2012 and 2016. In fall 2018 and summer 2019, Fakhoury will carry out a project on the European Union’s role in the polycentric governance of displacement at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg/ Centre for Global Cooperation Research  in Germany.

Fakhoury earned the Jean Monnet fellowship at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy (2010/2011) and the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at the German Institute of International and Area Studies in Hamburg, Germany (2014/2015). In 2014, she was elected as member of the first Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities(AGYA). From 2014 until 2016, she was a principal co-investigator on the project Syrian refugees’ justice concerns and access to formal and informal justice in Lebanon.

Her core research and publication areas are: the theory and practice of power sharing in divided societies, migration dynamics and governance, Arab states’ coping mechanisms with forced migration, and the role of immigrant communities and diasporas in democratization, and conflict transformation. She is member of the core coordination team of the Global Migration Policy Associates in Geneva.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles


Book Chapters

Academic Degrees

  • PhD in Political Sciences from the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg
  • MA in International Affairs from the Lebanese American University in Beirut.