Author: eumeniaadmin

New article by Dr. Özerim, M. G. “Discussing the populist features of anti-refugee discourses on social media: an anti-Syrian hashtag in Turkish Twitter”.

New article by Dr. Özerim, M. G. “Discussing the populist features of anti-refugee discourses on social media: an anti-Syrian hashtag in Turkish Twitter”.

Dr. Özerim, M. G., & Tolay, J. (2021). Discussing the populist features of anti-refugee discourses on social media: an anti-Syrian hashtag in Turkish Twitter. Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(1), 204-218.

New commentary by Prof İşeri, E., “Turkey’s energy policy: Indigenous at home, Blue Homeland in the World”

New commentary by Prof İşeri, E., “Turkey’s energy policy: Indigenous at home, Blue Homeland in the World”

New commentary by İşeri, E., “Turkey’s energy policy: Indigenous at home, Blue Homeland in the World”, BIANET (English), 03.06.2021.

New article by Prof. Emre İşeri “Framing the Syrian Operations: Populism in Foreign Policy and the Polarized News Media of Turkey”

New article by Prof. Emre İşeri “Framing the Syrian Operations: Populism in Foreign Policy and the Polarized News Media of Turkey”

New article by Prof. Emre İşeri, Ersoy, M. (2021). Framing the Syrian Operations: Populism in Foreign Policy and the Polarized News Media of Turkey. International Journal of Communication, 15, 2870–2893.
Read it at here.
Webinar by IAI “The Syria Conflict, Ten Years on: What Role for the EU?”, 15 March 2021.

Webinar by IAI “The Syria Conflict, Ten Years on: What Role for the EU?”, 15 March 2021.

“The Syria Conflict, Ten Years on: What Role for the EU?”, 15 March 2021. Details The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) will host a public webinar on the 10th anniversary of the Syrian uprising to assess where the country stands after a decade of conflict. Speakers 

Webinar: “The Eastern Mediterranean and EU-Turkey relations: opening a new chapter” with Nathalie Tocci, IAI Director

Webinar: “The Eastern Mediterranean and EU-Turkey relations: opening a new chapter” with Nathalie Tocci, IAI Director

Webinar: “The Eastern Mediterranean and EU-Turkey relations: opening a new chapter” 11 March 2021. Chair: Nathalie Tocci, IAI Director | Speakers: Angelina Eichhorst, Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia, EEAS, Atila Eralp, Senior Fellow, IPC, Luca Franza, Head of the Energy, Climate and Resources 

Debate with Dr Daniela Huber on: “The European Council’s External Action: The Case of the Arab-Israeli Process and the Middle East Peace Process”

Debate with Dr Daniela Huber on: “The European Council’s External Action: The Case of the Arab-Israeli Process and the Middle East Peace Process”

Debate with Dr Daniela Huber on: “The European Council’s External Action: The Case of the Arab-Israeli Process and the Middle East Peace Process”, 23 April 2021.


The Resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict is strongly embedded in the European Union’s external action striving for a two-state solution with an independent, democratic, viable and contiguous Palestinian state living side-by-side in peace and security with Israel and its other neighbors. The panel will take up the current state of the debate and discuss the recent role of the European Union and particularly the European Council for the Arab-Isreali process and the Middle East Peace Process.

Daniela Huber, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Eduard Soler i Lecha, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Inès Abdel Razek, AlShabaka – The Palestinian Policy Network.

Chatham House Event with Dr Daniela Huber and Prof Michelle Pace : “Europe’s role in MENA conflict zones: a declining influence?”.

Chatham House Event with Dr Daniela Huber and Prof Michelle Pace : “Europe’s role in MENA conflict zones: a declining influence?”.

Chatham House Event with Dr Daniela Huber and Prof Michelle Pace: “Europe’s role in MENA conflict zones: a declining influence?: What are the key issues for European countries about their engagement in the MENA region?, 17 February  More here & read the transcript.    

New Webinar: “The End of Oslo: A New European Strategy on Israel-Palestine” by Dr Daniela Huber

New Webinar: “The End of Oslo: A New European Strategy on Israel-Palestine” by Dr Daniela Huber

“The End of Oslo: A New European Strategy on Israel-Palestine”, a policy paper prepared by Hugh Lovatt, Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), and discussed by Hanan Ashrawi, Dr Daniela Huber, and moderated by Rami Khouri.

New Article by Dr Daniela Huber, “Equal Rights as a Basis for Just Peace: a European Paradigm Shift for Israel/Palestine”

New Article by Dr Daniela Huber, “Equal Rights as a Basis for Just Peace: a European Paradigm Shift for Israel/Palestine”

New Article by Dr Daniela Huber, “Equal Rights as a Basis for Just Peace: a European Paradigm Shift for Israel/Palestine”, IAI COMMENTARIES.



New article by Dr Gökay Özerim, International Society and Its Institutions in Refugee Protection during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Revisiting the Solidarism/Pluralism Debate in English School

New article by Dr Gökay Özerim, International Society and Its Institutions in Refugee Protection during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Revisiting the Solidarism/Pluralism Debate in English School

New article by Dr Gökay Özerim :  EMİNOĞLU, N., Unutulmaz, K. O., & ÖZERİM, M. G. (2020). International Society and Its Institutions in Refugee Protection during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Revisiting the Solidarism/Pluralism Debate in English School. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 17(68), 55-72. Read the full text