International conference on Natural Resources (NAT) featuring Dr. Michelle Pace

International conference on Natural Resources (NAT) featuring Dr. Michelle Pace

Dr. Michelle Pace was a panel speaker at the international conference organised by the Committee of the Regions (CoR) on Natural Resources (NAT) on 28/03-29/03/2019 in Gozo, Malta. More information here

International conference: “The Middle East and the EU: New Realities, New Policies”

International conference: “The Middle East and the EU: New Realities, New Policies”

The international conference “The Middle East and the EU: New Realities, New Policies” was organised by MEDRESET with the participation of the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the EU Commission Federica Mogherini on 22/02/2019 at 

International conference: “70 years of UNRWA in a Middle East in turmoil: hopes and challenges for Palestine refugees”

International conference: “70 years of UNRWA in a Middle East in turmoil: hopes and challenges for Palestine refugees”

The international conference “70 years of UNRWA in a Middle East in turmoil: hopes and challenges for Palestine refugees” was organised by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) with the participation of Pierre Krähenbühl, Commissioner-General, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) on 

New EUMENIA Policy Paper by Dr. Daniela Huber “A New Venice Declaration from a “Coalition of the Lead Donors” on Israel/Palestine”

New EUMENIA Policy Paper by Dr. Daniela Huber “A New Venice Declaration from a “Coalition of the Lead Donors” on Israel/Palestine”

New EUMENIA Policy Paper by Dr. Daniela Huber  “A New Venice Declaration from a “Coalition of the Lead Donors” on Israel/Palestine”, 23/04/2019. The article is available here and the pdf here.

New article by Dr. Lorenzo Kamel “From Pluralization to Fragmentation. The Iraq Kurdish Case from an Historical Perspective”

New article by Dr. Lorenzo Kamel “From Pluralization to Fragmentation. The Iraq Kurdish Case from an Historical Perspective”

Dr. Lorenzo Kamel published “From Pluralization to Fragmentation. The Iraqi Kurdish Case from an Historical Perspective” in Nuova Rivista Storica, April 2019. The abstract is available here

Event: Dr. Ioannis Galariotis participated in the 2019 EUSA International Biennial Conference in Denver (USA)

Event: Dr. Ioannis Galariotis participated in the 2019 EUSA International Biennial Conference in Denver (USA)

Dr. Ioannis Galariotis participated in the 2019 EUSA International Biennial Conference held from May 9th till May 11th, 2019 in Denver Colorado at the Sheraton Denver Downtown. Dr. Galariotis presented the following paper: ‘Words Versus Deeds: the EU in the UN General Assembly’. More information 

New article by Dr. Nikolaos Tzifakis: “Accord de Prespa: un modèle de règlement des conflits?”

New article by Dr. Nikolaos Tzifakis: “Accord de Prespa: un modèle de règlement des conflits?”

Dr. Nikolaos Tzifakis published “Accord de Prespa: un modèle de règlement des conflits?” in France Forum, April 2019.

New article by Dr. Efstathios T. Fakiolas and Dr. Nikolaos Tzifakis, “Human security in EU strategy: reflecting on the experience of EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina and EULEX in Kosovo”

New article by Dr. Efstathios T. Fakiolas and Dr. Nikolaos Tzifakis, “Human security in EU strategy: reflecting on the experience of EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina and EULEX in Kosovo”

Dr. Efstathios T. Fakiolas and Dr. Nikolaos Tzifakis published “Human security in EU strategy: reflecting on the experience of EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina and EULEX in Kosovo” in the Journal of Contemporary European Studies. The article is available here

Workshop with Dr. Beste İşleyen: “”The Governance of Borders and Migration in the (Southern) Mediterranean: Entanglements of the Domestic, the Regional and the International”

Workshop with Dr. Beste İşleyen: “”The Governance of Borders and Migration in the (Southern) Mediterranean: Entanglements of the Domestic, the Regional and the International”

Dr. Beste İşleyen convened a workshop on “The Governance of Borders and Migration in the (Southern) Mediterranean: Entanglements of the Domestic, the Regional and the International”. The workshop brought together academics with diverse geographical foci, including Italy, Greece, Malta, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia and Turkey. Amsterdam 

Event: international conference “The International System with Trump: to Where?”

Event: international conference “The International System with Trump: to Where?”

Dr. Dimitris Bouris and Dr. Daniela Huber participated in the international conference “The International System with Trump: to Where?” organized by the Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies, 16-17 April 2019. You can see more here