Event: “The international and regional dimension of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with a focus on the unintended consequences of the EU’s state-building initiatives” at the KAS

Event: “The international and regional dimension of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with a focus on the unintended consequences of the EU’s state-building initiatives” at the KAS

Dr. Dimitris Bouris and Dr. Daniela Huber gave a public talk entitled “The international and regional dimension of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with a focus on the unintended consequences of the EU’s state-building initiatives” at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Palestinian Territories.        

New article by Dr. Dimitris Bouris “Unintended Consequences of State-building projects in Contested States: The EU in Palestine”

New article by Dr. Dimitris Bouris “Unintended Consequences of State-building projects in Contested States: The EU in Palestine”

“Unintended Consequences of State-building Projects in Contested States: The EU in Palestine” by Dr. Dimitris Bouris, published in The International Spectator. ABSTRACT: The existing literature on state-building has focused mainly on post-conflict cases and ‘conventional’ examples of statehood, without taking into consideration the particularities of 

EUMENIA teaching visits were launched!

EUMENIA teaching visits were launched!

Dr. Dimitris Bouris and Dr. Daniela Huber visited Birzeit University and offered lectures on the European Union’s Foreign Policy. Dr. Dimitris Bouris spoke about the Future of the EU in International Politics and Dr. Daniela Huber spoke about the EU’s role in the Palestine Israel 

Call for Papers – EU-Middle East Working Paper Series

Call for Papers – EU-Middle East Working Paper Series

EUMENIA launches the EU-Middle East Jean Monnet Working Papers Series! Guidelines for Authors: The Jean Monnet Working Papers on EU-Middle East Relations welcomes solicited and unsolicited papers on all aspects of EU-Middle East relations. An ideal size should be around 5,000 words. References should follow 



On the 16th and 17th of April 2019, Birzeit University held its EUMENIA National Event. EUMENIA National Events constitute an unique opportunity to bring together members of the academic community with representatives of the civil society and active practitioners. This aims at favouring a fruitful 

Events – ACES Practitioner Engagement Series – The Amsterdam Centre for European Studies

Events – ACES Practitioner Engagement Series – The Amsterdam Centre for European Studies

Dimitris Bouris, in cooperation with the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES), organized the 3rd edition of the Practitioner Engagement Series. Three events took place: ➢ 22 November 2018 – “The EU in the Middle East and North Africa: taking stock and looking ahead”  With 

Beste İşleyen has joined the Editorial Advisory Board of “Environment and Planning D: Society and Space”

Beste İşleyen has joined the Editorial Advisory Board of “Environment and Planning D: Society and Space”

Beste İşleyen has joined the Editorial Advisory Board of “Environment and Planning D: Society and Space” for a three-year term, from January 2019 through December 2021. Society and Space is an international, interdisciplinary scholarly and political project. Through both a peer-reviewed journal and this editor 

Event – ACMES Research convention “Multiple Encounters: Europe in the Middle East / the Middle East in Europe” – University of Amsterdam

Event – ACMES Research convention “Multiple Encounters: Europe in the Middle East / the Middle East in Europe” – University of Amsterdam

On Monday 17 December, the Amsterdam Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (ACMES), in collaboration with ACES and ARTES, organized a research convention open to all that are interested in research related to the Middle East in Europe and Europe in the Middle East. More information about 

Call for applications – Master of Arts (M.A.) in Mediterranean Studies at The University of Peloponnese

Call for applications – Master of Arts (M.A.) in Mediterranean Studies at The University of Peloponnese

The University of Peloponnese has opened a call for applications for the Master of Arts (M.A.) in Mediterranean Studies for the academic year 2019/20. Deadline for Application: 28 June 2019. More information can be found here.  

New policy paper co-authored by Daniela Huber “The Mediterranean: A Space of Division, Disparity and Separation”

New policy paper co-authored by Daniela Huber “The Mediterranean: A Space of Division, Disparity and Separation”

MEDRESET policy paper titled “The Mediterranean: A Space of Division, Disparity and Separation”, co-authored by Daniela Huber, Asma Nouira and Maria Cristina Paciello. The Mediterranean is perceived by Southern stakeholders as a space of division, disparity and separation, performed into being through European depoliticizing, securitizing