New article by Dr. Özerim, M. G. “Discussing the populist features of anti-refugee discourses on social media: an anti-Syrian hashtag in Turkish Twitter”.

New article by Dr. Özerim, M. G. “Discussing the populist features of anti-refugee discourses on social media: an anti-Syrian hashtag in Turkish Twitter”.

Dr. Özerim, M. G., & Tolay, J. (2021). Discussing the populist features of anti-refugee discourses on social media: an anti-Syrian hashtag in Turkish Twitter. Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(1), 204-218.

New commentary by Prof İşeri, E., “Turkey’s energy policy: Indigenous at home, Blue Homeland in the World”

New commentary by Prof İşeri, E., “Turkey’s energy policy: Indigenous at home, Blue Homeland in the World”

New commentary by İşeri, E., “Turkey’s energy policy: Indigenous at home, Blue Homeland in the World”, BIANET (English), 03.06.2021.

New article by Prof. Emre İşeri “Framing the Syrian Operations: Populism in Foreign Policy and the Polarized News Media of Turkey”

New article by Prof. Emre İşeri “Framing the Syrian Operations: Populism in Foreign Policy and the Polarized News Media of Turkey”

New article by Prof. Emre İşeri, Ersoy, M. (2021). Framing the Syrian Operations: Populism in Foreign Policy and the Polarized News Media of Turkey. International Journal of Communication, 15, 2870–2893.   Read it at here.

New Article by Dr Daniela Huber, “Equal Rights as a Basis for Just Peace: a European Paradigm Shift for Israel/Palestine”

New Article by Dr Daniela Huber, “Equal Rights as a Basis for Just Peace: a European Paradigm Shift for Israel/Palestine”

New Article by Dr Daniela Huber, “Equal Rights as a Basis for Just Peace: a European Paradigm Shift for Israel/Palestine”, IAI COMMENTARIES.    

New article by Dr Gökay Özerim, International Society and Its Institutions in Refugee Protection during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Revisiting the Solidarism/Pluralism Debate in English School

New article by Dr Gökay Özerim, International Society and Its Institutions in Refugee Protection during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Revisiting the Solidarism/Pluralism Debate in English School

New article by Dr Gökay Özerim :  EMİNOĞLU, N., Unutulmaz, K. O., & ÖZERİM, M. G. (2020). International Society and Its Institutions in Refugee Protection during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Revisiting the Solidarism/Pluralism Debate in English School. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 17(68), 55-72. Read the full text 

New Book Chapter by Prof. İşeri E., Uygurtürk T. (2021). “Energy Governance in Turkey”.

New Book Chapter by Prof. İşeri E., Uygurtürk T. (2021). “Energy Governance in Turkey”.

New Book Chapter by Prof. İşeri E., Uygurtürk T. (2021). “Energy Governance in Turkey”. In: Knodt M., Kemmerzell J. (eds) Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe. Springer, Cham.    

Exciting news! The first edition of the Routledge Handbook of EU–Middle East Relations, is available for pre-order.

Exciting news! The first edition of the Routledge Handbook of EU–Middle East Relations, is available for pre-order.

The first edition of the Routledge Handbook of EU–Middle East Relations, edited by Dr Dimitris Bouris, Dr Daniela Huber and prof Michelle Pace, is ready and available for pre-order. This Handbook builds upon work and research stemming from a grant received from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European 

New Book by Daniela Huber

New Book by Daniela Huber

New Book by Daniela Huber “The International Dimension of the Israel-Palestinian Conflict: A Post-Eurocentric Approach”,  January 2021, SUNY Press.  

New Publication by Emre İşeri “Media Framing of Climate Change Action in Carbon Locked-in Developing Countries: Adaptation or Mitigation?”

New Publication by Emre İşeri “Media Framing of Climate Change Action in Carbon Locked-in Developing Countries: Adaptation or Mitigation?”

On March 2021 our partner Emre İşeri, together with Günay, D., Ersoy, M., & Elega, A. A., published a new article entitled: “Media Framing of Climate Change Action in Carbon Locked-in Developing Countries: Adaptation or Mitigation?” at Environmental Communication, 1-15. The article is available at:

New publication by Prof Michelle Pace “Denmark’s immigrants forced out by government policies” at Chatham House

New publication by Prof Michelle Pace “Denmark’s immigrants forced out by government policies” at Chatham House

Professor Michelle Pace, Associate Fellow, Europe Programme at Chatham House, published a new article entitled “Denmark’s immigrants forced out by government policies: Relocating asylum seekers outside Europe is just the latest extreme measure from Denmark’s Social Democrats”. Details: A new law enabling Denmark to deport