Working paper n°3 “Culture and geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Greek parliamentary diplomacy and the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association (WHIA)” by Dr. Stelios Stavridis

Working paper n°3 “Culture and geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Greek parliamentary diplomacy and the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association (WHIA)” by Dr. Stelios Stavridis

EUMENIA’s third working paper entitled “Culture and geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Greek parliamentary diplomacy and the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association (WHIA)” by Dr. Stelios Stavridis is now available here.

EUMENIA Policy brief by Prof. Michelle Pace and Prof. Haim Yacobi “Can the EU Stand Up to Trump’s “Deal of the Century”?”

EUMENIA Policy brief by Prof. Michelle Pace and Prof. Haim Yacobi “Can the EU Stand Up to Trump’s “Deal of the Century”?”

Prof. Michelle Pace and Prof. Haim Yacobi published another Policy brief, part of the EUMENIA Policy briefs series,  entitled: “Can the EU Stand Up to Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century”?”, 24/03/2020.   Access the Policy Brief directly here (IAI).

Working paper n°2 “Jihadi brides: What you see is what you get? The portrayal of female foreign fighters in the French and Dutch media”

Working paper n°2 “Jihadi brides: What you see is what you get? The portrayal of female foreign fighters in the French and Dutch media”

EUMENIA’s second working paper “Jihadi brides: What you see is what you get? The portrayal of female foreign fighters in the French and Dutch media” by Iris de Leede is now available here.

Working paper n°1 “Assessing the Impact of Turkish Refugee Flows on the EU-Turkey Agreement” by Dr. Nikolaos Lampas

Working paper n°1 “Assessing the Impact of Turkish Refugee Flows on the EU-Turkey Agreement” by Dr. Nikolaos Lampas

EUMENIA’s first working paper “Assessing the Impact of Turkish Refugee Flows on the EU-Turkey Agreement” by Dr. Nikolaos Lampas is now available here.

New article by Dr. Münevver Cebeci

New article by Dr. Münevver Cebeci

Dr. Münevver Cebeci published a special issue: “Representing Peace? The EU’s Temporal Selves and its Statebuilding” in Geopolitics, Vol. 25, issue 2.

New special issue by Dr. Dimitris Bouris and Dr. Beste İşleyen

New special issue by Dr. Dimitris Bouris and Dr. Beste İşleyen

Dr. Dimitris Bouris and Dr. Beste İşleyen published a special issue: “The European Union and Practices of Governing Space and Population in Contested States: Insights from EUPOL COPPS in Palestine” in Geopolitics, Vol. 25, issue 2.

New special issue by Dimitris Bouris and Dimitris Papadimitriou

New special issue by Dimitris Bouris and Dimitris Papadimitriou

Dr. Dimitris Bouris and Dr. Dimitris Papadimitriou published a special issue: “The EU and Contested Statehood in its Near Abroad: Europeanisation, Actorness and State-building” in Geopolitics, Vol. 25, issue 2.

New policy recommendation of MEDRESET: “Towards a More Reflexive EU in the Mediterranean”

New policy recommendation of MEDRESET: “Towards a More Reflexive EU in the Mediterranean”

Dr. Daniela Huber and Dr. Maria Cristina Paciello published a final recommendation entitled “Towards a More Reflexive EU in the Mediterranean” in the framework of MEDRESET. It is available here

New book chapter co-authored by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökay Özerim

New book chapter co-authored by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökay Özerim

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökay Özerim co-authored “Journalists’ Perceptions of Populism and the Media: A Cross-National Study Based on Semi-Structured Interviews”, published in Communicating Populism (Routledge).