Dr. Andrea Dessì is Head of IAI’s Italian Foreign Policy Programme, Senior Fellow within IAI’s Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa programme and Editorial Director of IAI’s English-language series IAI Commentaries.
He has completed a Ph.D. in International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and holds an MA Degree in Conflict, Security and Development from Kings College London. His research interests include the diplomatic and military history of the Arab-Israeli conflict and US Middle East Policy. He has worked on a number of EU-funded projects assessing security developments in the Middle East and EU policies therein.
Andrea is also a Non-Resident Scholar at the Strategic Studies Implementation and Research Centre, Başkent University, Ankara. He has worked extensively on US and European foreign policy towards the Middle East with a particular focus on the diplomatic and military history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, US policy towards Israel and Washington’s alliance frameworks in the Middle East.
He has worked with IAI since 2011 and has contributed to a number of EU-funded projects and research tasks (FP7 & H2020).
Andrea Dessì, Popular Mobilisation and Authoritarian Reconstitution in the Middle East and North Africa: Ten Years of Arab Uprisings, IAI Papers. https://www.iai.it/en/pubblicazioni/popular-mobilisation-and-authoritarian-reconstitution-middle-east-and-north-africa-ten
Andrea Dessì, “Fostering State and Societal Resilience in the Middle East and North Africa: Recommendations for the EU,” in Silvia Colombo, A.Dessì, V.Ntousas (eds.), The EU, Resilience and the MENA Region, IAI/FEPS, Nuova Cultura, Rome, 2018.
Andrea Dessì, “The OSCE Mediterranean Partnership and the MENA Crisis: Potential, Limits and Prospects,” in Andrea Dessì and Ettore Greco (eds.), The Search For Stability in Libya. The OSCE’s Role between Internal Obstacles and External Challenges, New-Med Research Network, Nuova Cultura/IAI, Rome, 2018.
Andrea Dessì and Francesco Olmastroni, “Foreign Posture in a Comparative Perspective: A Quantitative and Qualitative Apprisal of Italian Foreign and Defence Policy during the Renzi Government,” Contemporary Italian Politics, Vol.9, No.2 (2017),p.201-218.
Crisis and Breakdown: How Can the EU Foster Resilience in the Middle East and North Africa? IAI Working Paper, Roma, IAI, December 2017, 31 p.
Andrea Dessì, “Israel and the Palestinians in a Changing Neighbourhood,” The International Spectator, Issue 48, No.2, June 2013, p.77-95
Riccardo Alcaro and Andrea Dessì, “The September UN Vote on Palestine: Will the EU be up to the Challenge?,” IAI Working Paper, 11/27, September 2011