Having completed her B.A. at the Department of International Relations, Middle East Technical University, she obtained her M.A at Johns Hopkins University and Ph.D at Bilkent University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration. She has started her academic career as a Ph.D candidate on scholarship at Bilkent University, and then continued at the same university as first Instructor and then Assistant Professor. Her academic career has continued with her appointment as Associate Professor at Yasar University in 2010 and as Professor in 2014. She had served as the vice-chair for the Department of Political Science at Bilkent University and Head of the Department of International Relations at Yasar University. At the present, she is a full-time professor at the Department of International Relations and also is the Dean of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences and the Acting Dean at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. She has been granted Jean Monnet Chair for International Relations and European Studies in 2011. She had also been a holder of Jean Monnet Permanent Course “Politics of European Integration” in her former university. She is a professor lecturing on EU integration, EU-Turkey relations and Europeanization. In addition to teaching, she has published numerous articles, book chapters as on the themes related to the EU such as enlargement of the EU and Turkey’s accession, impact of Europeanization on various aspects of Turkish domestic politics, the Cyprus problem etc. She also has contributed to the academic community in terms of graduate student supervision at both Masters and Ph.D levels. Most of her students have written their thesis on themes related to various aspects of the European integration process.
Tekin, A and Güney,A. eds. Europeanization of Turkey: Polity, Politics and Policies, Routledge, 2015.
Güney A. and Tekin A. eds. Europeanization of Turkish Public Policies: A Scorecard, Routledge, 2016.
Articles in refereed journals
Güney, A ve Mandacı, N. “The Meta-Geography of the Middle East and North Africa in Turkey’s New Geopolitical Imagination” Security Dialogue, Vol., 44, No: 5-6, 2013. (SSCI Journal)
Başkan, F ve Güney, A. “Turkey’s June 2011 Parliamentary Elections” Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 14, No:1, 165-174, 2012. (SSCI Journal)
Güney, A. and Gökcan F., “Greater Middle East as a ‘Modern’ Geopolitical Imagination in the American Foreign Policy” Geopolitics, Vol. 15, No: 1, 2010. (SSCI Journal).
Güney, A. and Celenk A., “Europeanization and the Dilemma of Decentralization: Centre-Local Relations in Turkey,” Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 12, no.3, 241-257, 2010. (SSCI journal).
Güney, A., “Anti-Americanism in Turkey: Past and Present”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 44, No: 3, pp. 471-487, 2008. (SSCI journal).
Güney, A. and Baskan F., “Party Dissolutions and Democratic Consolidation: The Turkish Case,” South European Society and Politics, Vol. 13, No: 3, pp. 263-281, 2008. (SSCI journal) (listed as the most cited article)
Güney, A. and Celenk A. “The European Union’s Democracy Promotion Policies in Algeria: Success or Failure?” Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 12, no: pp.109-128, 2007.
Güney, A., “The Future of Turkey in the European Union,” Futures, Vol. 37, no: 4, pp. 303-316, 2005.(SSCI journal).
Güney A. and Karatekelioğlu P., “Turkey’s EU Candidacy and Civil-Military Relations,” Armed Forces and Society, Vol. 31, no: 4, pp. 439-462, 2005. (SSCI journal) (among the 50 most read articles).
Müftüler-Baç, M. and Güney, A. “The European Union and the Cyprus Problem 1961-2003,” Middle Eastern Studies Vol. 41, No:, pp. 281-293, 2005. (SSCI journal).
Güney, A. “An Anatomy of the Transformation of the US-Turkish Alliance from ‘Cold War’ to ‘War on Iraq’,” Turkish Studies, Vol. 6, no: 3, 341-359, 2005. (SSCI journal).
Güney, A. “Justifying the EU’s Enlargement towards Turkey: An Asset or Liability?”, Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, Vol.9, pp.135-155, 2004.
Güney, A. “The USA’s role in Mediating the Cyprus Conflict: A Story of Success or Failure?,” Security Dialogue Vol 35, pp.27-42, 2004. (SSCI journal).
Güney, A. “The People’s Democracy Party,” Turkish Studies, Vol. 3, pp. 122-137, 2002. (reprinted version).
Heper M. and Güney, A “The Military and the Consolidation of Democracy: The Recent Turkish Experience”, Armed Forces and Society, Vol. 26, 635-657, 2000. (SSCI journal).
Heper M. and Güney, A. “The Military and Democracy in the Third Turkish Republic,” Armed Forces and Society, Vol. 22, 619-642, 1996. (SSCI journal).
Articles in non-refereed or general journals
Güney, A. “Turkey and the EU in the 21st Century: Reflections on Present Problems and Future Prospects,” Insight Turkey, Vol. 4, pp. 33-42, 2002.
Güney, A. “Politique interieure et politique exterieure dans la Turquie d’aujourd’hui,” Le Trimestre du Monde, Vol. 4, pp.79-89, 1996.
Chapters in books or monographs
Güney, A., “Sivil-Asker İlişkilerinin Dönüşümü,” in Yarım Asrın Ardından Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği İlişkileri (eds. Belgin Akçay and Sinem Akgül Açıkmeşe), Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi, 2013, 131-147.
Güney, A., ““Revisiting the Origins of the Cyprus Conflict: The Impact of the Cold War and Turkish-American Relations,” in American-Turkish Encounters: Politics and Culture, 1833 – 1989, (Edited by Bilge Nur Criss, Selçuk Esenbel, Tony Greenwood and Louis Mazzari), New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2011: 299-315.
Güney, A. “The Politics of Turkey’s Accession to the European Union” in Understanding, Interpreting and Evaluating the European Union in 2008: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches. (Edited by Stelios Stavridis) Nicosia:University of Nicosia Press, 2009: 269-291.
Güney, A. “Turkey and ‘New Europe’: Challenges and Opportunities during the Accession Negotiations”, in Turkey-European Union Relations. Dilemmas, Opportunities and Constraints, (Edited by Meltem Müftüler-Baç and Yannis A. Stivachtis) Lanham: Lexington Books, 2008: 133-150.
Güney, A. “Turkey and Europe of 27: Policy Challenges and Opportunities for Engagement,” Prof. Dr. Ergun Özbudun’a Armağan, Essays in Honor of Ergun Özbudun. Vol. 1. pp. 181-197, Ankara: 2008.
Güney, A. “Küreselleşme, Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye,” Küreselleşmenin Yüzleri, (Edited by Filiz Başkan. İstanbul: Everest Yayınları, 2005, pp. 79-102.
Güney, A. “AB, ABD ve Türkiye Üçgeninde Kıbrıs Meselesi,” Kıbrıs ve Geleceği. Ekonomi -Politik bir Tartışma, (Edited by İrfan Kalaycı). Ankara:Nobel Yayınları, 2004: 109-123.
Güney, A. “The Military, Politics, and Post-Cold War Dilemmas in Turkey,” in Political Armies: The Military and Nation-Building in the Age of Democracy,(Edited by Kees Koonings and Dirk Kruijt). London and New York: Zed Books, 2002: 162-178.
Güney, A. “People’s Democracy Party (HADEP)”,in Political Parties in Turkey. (Edited by Barry Rubin and Metin Heper). London: Frank Cass, 2002: 122-137.
Güney, A. “Turkey Beyond the Customs Union?,” in The Barcelona Process and EuroMediterranean Issues from Stuttgart to Marseille, (Edited by Fulvio Attina and Stelios Stavridis). Milano: Dott. A. Giuffre Editore, 2001: 201-225.
Heper M. And Güney, A. “Civil Military Relations, Political Islam and Security in Turkey” in Civil-Military Relations, Nation-Building and National Identity: Comparative Perspectives, (Edited by Constantine P. Danopoulos, Dhirendra Vajpeyi, and Amir Bar’or). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 2004: 183-198. (revised and reprinted version).
ReviewsGüney, A., Turkey and Atatürk’s Legacy: Turkey’s Political Evolution, Turkish-US Relations and Prospects for the 21st Century. By Paul Henze”. Journal of American Studies of Turkey, Vol. 8, 1998, 85-86.
Other publications, including translations, research notes, limited-circulation reports, etc.
Güney, A. “The Impact of the Involvement of the European Union upon the Cyprus Dispute: A Litmus Test for the External Capabilities of the EU,” Proc. The Third International Congress for
Cyprus Studies, Gazi Magusa, Vol. III, , Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Merkezi Yayınları, Gazi Magusa, 2000: 11-29.