Tag: Denmark

In the framework of EUMENIA, Prof. Michelle Pace, Professor of Global Studies at Roskilde University, participated to the seminar “Refugee Narratives in Denmark”

In the framework of EUMENIA, Prof. Michelle Pace, Professor of Global Studies at Roskilde University, participated to the seminar “Refugee Narratives in Denmark”

The latest teaching visit organized in the framework of EUMENIA, saw Prof. Michelle Pace, Professor of Global Studies at Roskilde University, participating to the seminar “Refugee Narratives in Denmark” held on 9th December 2021, coordinated by Prof. Emre İşeri and moderated by Assoc. Prof. Gökay 

The Sunday Times London: interview with Professor Michelle Pace, RUC

The Sunday Times London: interview with Professor Michelle Pace, RUC

Professor Michelle Pace, RUC was interviewed by the The Sunday Times, London. The article entitled “After Jumpers and hygge, ‘cosy racism’ may be Denmark’s next big export” is available at The Sunday Times.