SIRIUS first working paper titled “The politics of integration: adjusting to new lives in host societies” by Michelle Pace and Dogus Simsek

SIRIUS first working paper titled “The politics of integration: adjusting to new lives in host societies” was published, authored by Michelle Pace (Roskilde University) and Dogus Simsek (Koç University).

“The paper outlines the academic debates on the topic of migrant and refugee integration. Given the diversity of migratory statuses, experiences and conditions around the world, the authors argue that the concept of integration needs to be carefully unpacked and contextualized. In rethinking integration, they contend that integration is not just about macro-level policy-making decisions, meso-level implementation or political discourses on these. A conception of integration must also include the perspective of those that are being told that they have to integrate. The authors, therefore, pay particular attention to the aspirations, experiences and actions of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers (MRAs), whether “integration” is a concept they think about, how “integration” is interpreted by these targeted subjects and how the diverse nature of migrants and their multiple characteristics shape integration opportunities and challenges.”
Read more on SIRIUS and download the working paper here.