Register today: Book Presentation “Resisting Europe”, discussion led by Dr Dimitris Bouris, 4 March 2021, 13:00-14:30 CET

On the 4th of March 13:00-14:30 join the book presentation of “Resisting Europe: Practices of Contestation in the Mediterranean Middle East”.
Dr Dimitris Bouris (University of Amsterdam) will discuss this topic with a selection of the authors of the book.

Registration is available here.
Resisting Europe – Book Presentation
The recently published book ‘Resisting Europe’ conceptualizes the foreign policies of Europe toward the states in its immediate southern ‘neighborhood’ as semi-imperial attempts to turn these states into Europe’s southern buffer zone, or borderlands.
This book examines the diverse modalities by which states in the Mediterranean Middle East and North Africa (MENA) reject, resist, challenge, modify, or entirely change European policies and preferences and provides rich empirical evidence of these contestation practices in the fields of migration and border control, banking and finance, democracy promotion and telecommunications. It addresses the complex question of when and how MENA states capitalize on their leverage and interdependence in their relationships with Europe and contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of Europe-Middle East relations, while engaging with broader debates on power and interdependence, order and contestation in international relations. (Source ACES)