“Gaza: Arts of Resilience and Hope in the Midst of Despair” by Haim Yacobi, Michelle Pace, Ziad Abu Mustafa, Marian Noaman is now available on youtube!

The Video “Gaza: Arts of Resilience and Hope in the Midst of Despair” by Haim Yacobi, Michelle Pace, Ziad Abu Mustafa, Marian Noaman is now available on youtube! Watch now at the The Bartlett Development Planning Unit channel.
What is the role of art and artists in an extreme case of violence such as in Gaza, and what can we learn from Gazan artists about hope and resilience?
These are the key questions that we explore in this video and the panel that will follow as a continuation of our research on health and violence in Gaza. The form of slow violence in Gaza operated by Israel seems to be forgotten but the people of the Gaza Strip continue to live without free access to the outside world. Years of protracted humanitarian crisis have all but exhausted the resilience of the two million Gazans. In the midst of chaos and despair there remains hope, particularly expressed in Gazan art.