New paper by Karim Makdisi “Palestine and the Arab–Israeli Conflict: 100 Years of Regional Relevance and International Failure”

New paper by Karim Makdisi “Palestine and the Arab–Israeli Conflict: 100 Years of Regional Relevance and International Failure”

A new paper by Karim Makdisi and entitled “Palestine and the Arab–Israeli Conflict: 100 Years of Regional Relevance and International Failure” was published in MENARA Papers. “This paper asserts that the Arab–Israeli conflict, and in particular the question of Palestine, has been the major issue of 

Book chapter co-authored by Dr. Gökay Özerim and Elif Çetin “Conseguenze della “crisi dei rifugiati” per la Turchia: nuove sfide in politica estera e interna?”

Book chapter co-authored by Dr. Gökay Özerim and Elif Çetin “Conseguenze della “crisi dei rifugiati” per la Turchia: nuove sfide in politica estera e interna?”

Book chapter co-authored by Gökay Özerim and Elif Çetin “Conseguenze della “crisi dei rifugiati” per la Turchia: nuove sfide in politica estera e interna?” in Valerio De Cesaris ve Emidio Diodato (ed.) Il confine mediterraneo: L’Europa di fronte agli sbarchi dei migranti, Carocci Editore. See the book 

Abu-Lughod alumni & students present analyses on global & Arab political affairs

Abu-Lughod alumni & students present analyses on global & Arab political affairs

Graduates and students of the Master’s in International Studies Program, offered by the Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies at Birzeit University, presented papers in which they analyzed political phenomena affecting the Arab countries and the world as a whole in a symposium organized by 

SIRIUS first working paper titled “The politics of integration: adjusting to new lives in host societies” by Michelle Pace and Dogus Simsek

SIRIUS first working paper titled “The politics of integration: adjusting to new lives in host societies” by Michelle Pace and Dogus Simsek

SIRIUS first working paper titled “The politics of integration: adjusting to new lives in host societies” was published, authored by Michelle Pace (Roskilde University) and Dogus Simsek (Koç University). “The paper outlines the academic debates on the topic of migrant and refugee integration. Given the diversity of 

New article by Daniela Huber: “The EU and 50 Years of Occupation: Resistant to or Complicit with Normalization?”

New article by Daniela Huber: “The EU and 50 Years of Occupation: Resistant to or Complicit with Normalization?”

“The EU and 50 Years of Occupation: Resistant to or Complicit with Normalization?”, by Daniela Huber, published in Middle East Critique. This article focuses on the role the EU has played in the normalization of the 50-year long Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territory. Has 

New article by Nikolaos Tzifakis: “What the ratification of the Prespa Agreement means for Greek politics ?”

New article by Nikolaos Tzifakis: “What the ratification of the Prespa Agreement means for Greek politics ?”

“What the ratification of the Prespa Agreement means for Greek politics”, article by Nikolaos Tzifakis, published at LSE EUROPP Blog. The Prespa Agreement resolving the long-running Macedonia name dispute between Athens and Skopje was ratified in the Greek parliament on 25 January. Nikolaos Tzifakis explains 

New Article by  Vivienne Matthies-Boon, “ Injustice Turned Inward? Continuous Traumatic Stress and Social Polarization in Egypt”, in Middle East – Topics and Arguments

New Article by Vivienne Matthies-Boon, “ Injustice Turned Inward? Continuous Traumatic Stress and Social Polarization in Egypt”, in Middle East – Topics and Arguments

New Article by Vivienne Matthies-Boon, “Injustice Turned Inward? Continuous Traumatic Stress and Social Polarization in Egypt”, in Middle East – Topics and Arguments. “Based on 40 life-story testimonies with young Cairene activists, this article argues that post-revolutionary Egypt was marked by Continuous Traumatic Stress (CTS). 

Birzeit professors analyze Oslo Accords, ‘deal of the century’ in Ibrahim Abu-Lughod symposium

Birzeit professors analyze Oslo Accords, ‘deal of the century’ in Ibrahim Abu-Lughod symposium

The Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies at Birzeit University held a symposium on the impact of the Oslo Accords on the “deal of the century” and the relationship between them, on Saturday, November 24, 2018. The symposium, entitled “The Deal of the Century: The 

Professor Ali Jarbawi visits China, offers reflections on its evolution – Birzeit University

Professor Ali Jarbawi visits China, offers reflections on its evolution – Birzeit University

Ali Jarbawi, the Director of the Master’s Program in International Studies at Birzeit University, shared his 10-day experience in Shanghai, China, presenting his reflections and impressions about Chinese political culture, the political system, and China’s status as a great polar power. The conclusion of his 

New article co-authored by Emre İşeri “Alternative Media and the Securitization of Climate Change in Turkey”

New article co-authored by Emre İşeri “Alternative Media and the Securitization of Climate Change in Turkey”

New article “Alternative Media and the Securitization of Climate Change in Turkey”, co-authored by Emre İşeri, in SSCI Indexed journal of Alternatives: Global, Local, Political ; ‘Studies on securitization dynamics in a growing number of sectors have been conducted, including securitization of climate change. However,