Webinar: “The EU and Syria: thinking about ways forward”, now available on youtube

In September 2020, EUMENIA Jean-Monnet Network was glad to organise the Webinar “The EU and Syria: thinking about ways forward”.
The panel of speakers, each of whom contributed to the debate in an unique way with their viewpoint and experience, included:
– Anis Nacrour, Former Acting Head of Delegation of the EU to Syria
– Yezid Sayigh, Senior Fellow, Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut
– Tamirace Fakhoury, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, Lebanese American University
– Daniela Huber, Head of the Mediterranean and Middle East Programme at IAI
The event was moderated by Dimitris Bouris, Assistant Professor at Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam.
We would like to deeply thank the speakers for their contributions.
The civil war in Syria has entered into its 10th year, but the European Union remains on its sidelines. While committed to humanitarian needs of Syrians, no re-assessment of EU’s policies and measures implemented on Syria in the last ten years has been advanced by European leaders on this ongoing war in its immediate neighborhood.
This webinar – organized as part of the EUMENIA webinar series – took stock of the situation on the ground and in the region to think about meaningful approaches the EU could adopt for the future of Syria.
The integral Webinar is available at EUMENIA Jean-Monnet Network’s Youtube channel.
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