EUMENIA International Conference in Amman, Jordan

The EUMENIA International Conference has been held at the University of Jordan, in Amman, on the 28th-29th of March. This conference was a great opportunity to fulfil one of the fundamental aims of EUMENIA, and bring together academics, students and policy makers from the EU and the Middle East.
The conference was opened with welcome remarks from Dr. Wisam Hazimeh (Assistant Professor, University of Jordan) and Dr. Dimitris Bouris (Leader and Coordinator of EUMENIA, University of Amsterdam).
Many thanks are due to our keynote speakers, Mr. Ádám Janssen, Political Counsellor at the European Union Delegation to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Hayajneh Akram, Deputy of the EU Affairs department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
A huge thank you is also due to all the scholars who participated and presented their brilliant papers: Itxaso Domínguez de Olazábal, Clothilde Facon, Ragnar Weilandt, Matteo Moretti, Yazid Zahda, Lina Aleassa, Panagiota Strikou, Smaro Boura, Serena Sandri, Hussam Hussein.
Finally, it was also a great honour to have a chance to bring (almost all) the EUMENIA partners back together in person for the first time in 3 years. Prof. Michelle Pace (Roskilde University), Dr. Daniela Huber (IAI – Istituto Affari Internazionali), Dr. Lourdes Habash (Birzeit University), Prof. Karim Makdisi (American University of Beirut), Dr. Beste İşleyen (University of Amsterdam), Prof. Emre Iseri (Yaşar Üniversitesi), Prof. Aylin Güney (Yasar University), Dr. Andrea Dessì (IAI), thank you all for your amazing contribution to this project and conference.
Here the complete programme of the conference.